Monday, April 5, 2010

An Uncertain Afghanistan
The Left compared Iraq to Vietnam, they couldn’t have been more wrong

For years, the far left and even mainstream democrats decried the “occupation” of Iraq as akin to the “quagmire” during Vietnam. But in 2010, Iraqis have gone to the polls once again in their fledging democracy and are pulling themselves up by their collective bootstraps.

Afghanistan, however, is an entirely different story, but one America has heard before. The incursion into Vietnam was on behalf of democracy itself, there was no treasure to be had in the Jewel of Southeast Asia. While Iraq offers a strategic outpost to split Iran and Syria and a steady flow of oil, Afghanistan has no such strategic geographical position and certainly nothing to offer but war torn land—much like Vietnam.

And like Vietnam, Afghanistan is ruled by corrupt officials that are particularly interested in America’s sacrifice so long as they can profit from it.

President Obama’s recent surprise visit is certainly a welcome one but as Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters noted on The O’Reilly Factor last week, it sent the wrong message by going under the cover of darkness. While we cannot disagree with Lieutenant Colonel Peters’ analysis, the mission at large is moving in the right direction, the question is to what end?

-- Killswitch Politick

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