MIDDLE EAST—Candidate Barack Obama promised to restore America ’s standing in the world, and newly elected President Obama went on a world apology trip straight away but less than 18 months into his administration; the Muslim world is losing faith in the Appeaser-in-Chief.
According to a Pew survey, the Global Attitudes Project, Mr. Obama is more popular overseas than he is in the country in which he holds office, that is, by countries that embrace socialism and aren’t Muslim. Pakistani’s opinion of Mr. Obama have dropped five points since his 2009 Cairo speech from 13 percent to 8 percent, only 33 percent of Egyptians, 26 percent of Jordanians and 23 percent of Turks approve of America’s foreign policy direction under Obama.

As the rest of the world is beginning to figure out what at least half the country knew over 18 months ago, Obama isn’t the one they’ve been waiting for.
-- Killswitch Politick
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