Tuesday, July 27, 2010

White House backed release of Lockerbie bomber
The administration shows deference to convicted terrorist

WASHINGTON, DC—Documents obtained by The Australian purportedly show proof the Obama Administration backed the release of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi; preferring him not to suffer in a Libyan prison.  

The piece reads in part:

“Correspondence obtained by The Sunday Times reveals the Obama administration considered compassionate release more palatable than locking up Abdel Baset al-Megrahi in a Libyan prison.

The document, acquired by a well-placed US source, threatens to undermine US President Barack Obama's claim last week that all Americans were ‘surprised, disappointed and angry’ to learn of Megrahi's release.”

You might recall the reason given for the release of the terrorist that killed 270 people in 1988 was he only had weeks, perhaps days to live before cancer would take his life—nearly a year ago. It has since been learned the prognosis was heavily biased toward the murderous thug, but hey, why shouldn’t he enjoy the last of his golden years. It’s not if he’s an unwanted fetus.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

White House: Al Qaeda is racist and intolerant
Apparently, a terrorist organization is only despicable when it discriminates

WASHINGTON, DC—The White House is condemning the terrorist acts committed in the recent Unganda bombings as acts of racism because blacks are unfairly treated by the hate groups. No, this isn’t a satirical piece copied from The Onion and we wish is was.

According to one White House official the reasoning that led the administration to this shocking conclusion was the inequality of blacks to Arabs:

"Additionally, U.S. intelligence has indicated that al Qaeda leadership specifically targets and recruits black Africans to become suicide bombers because they believe that poor economic and social conditions make them more susceptible to recruitment than Arabs. Al Qaeda recruits have said that al Qaeda is racist against black members from West Africa because they are only used in lower level operations."

We fully expect sensitivity experts and affirmative action advocates to be dispatched to the Middle East and West Africa to right this insidious wrong. Never mind the fact that these groups are massacring innocent civilians and butchering young children, the real problem is the racial discrimination practiced by the likes of Al Qaeda and company:

"Al Qaeda is a racist organization that treats black Africans like cannon fodder and does not value human life."

It can only be assumed the administration could not derive the fact that Al Qaeda is intolerant of any group or person that does not embrace radical Islam absent treating minorities differently in their own ranks.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Does NASA now stand for the National Arab Schmoozing Administration?
The administration uses NASA for a far out mission

WASHINGTON, DC—If you’ve missed the latest far-out agenda item coming out of the Obama administration, you’re in for a dozy. The new NASA Director has been given the charge of using the space agency for “Muslim outreach”—apparently, reaching the moon is so yesterday, that we are now daring to go where no space program has gone boldly before—not to Mars, but to the Middle East.

New NASA Director Charles Bolden in an interview with Al Jazeera:

"When I became the NASA administrator—or before I became the NASA administrator—[Obama] charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science and math and engineering."

That mission statement brought swift criticism from NASA’s former director, Michael Griffin:

"NASA represents the best of America. Its purpose is not to inspire Muslims or any other cultural entity."

Funny Mr. Griffin holds a now antiquated view of the space administration actually going about the business of space exploration—apparently he doesn’t appreciate such mundane tasks the State Department is supposed to engage in. It makes you wonder what could possibly be next.

--Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Congressman to townhall, “The borders are quite secure.”
Pete Stark scoffs, mocks, and lies about the US’s border security

FREEMONT, CA "Who are you going to kill today?" Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) openly mocked a town-hall attendee who identified himself as part of the Minute Men project. The infamously outspoken democrat in the past has said President Bush sent troops into an illegal war, “to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement.”

Among other sarcastic remarks, when asked about the influx of illegals coming over the border, Stark replied, "If you knew anything about our borders, you would know that's not the case. Our borders are quite secure, thank you."

"I would send about, about 25,000 troops for one thing and build a wall down so vehicles could not pass," the Minuteman said.

"How high and long would it be?" Stark asked.

"As high and as long as it takes," the Minuteman said, eliciting applause.

"But I've got to know how high the wall is and I'll sell a whole lot of ladders for people who want to come," Stark replied in defiance.

Mr. Stark is no doubt in what he believes to be a safe district, but the border issue—in poll after poll—cuts across ideological and party lines. Stark has been in congress since 1973 and proves the usefulness for term limits.

--Killswitch Politick