NYC, NY—Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani born naturalized American citizen attempted to bomb NYC’s Times Square on May 3, 2010 using an SUV packed with explosives. The 30 year-old had returned from a trip to Pakistan in February.
The administration is lauding itself for the capture of Mr. Shahzad, but it wasn’t law enforcement or military personnel that made him; a Times Square vendor, Duane Jackson did that when he noticed the driverless Nissan Pathfinder idling.
The motives (according to multiple news copy) of the suspect are still “unknown” but perhaps we here at KP can give them a clue: terrorism.
Regardless of Shahzad’s “motives” his intent was terrorism—pure and simple. The interesting dichotomy is the campaign promises of President Obama to restore America’s standing in the world and to approach international affairs differently from his predecessor. Yet despite the many apologies and hand-wringing the president has done, the US remains a target (see the Christmas Day bomber and the Fort Hood massacre).
Which only goes to prove one simple fact, America is Judeo-Christian nation as endorsed by the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers, and any number of writings by the Founding Fathers. Radical Islam is diametrically opposed to Judaism and Christianity—it does not have a problem with Shintoism or Buddhism or any number of religions—so as long as we remain a Judeo-Christian nation, radical Islamist will hate us.
-- Killswitch Politick